Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Taiwan: Day 3

Today was the first full day at the factory.  The factory is literally a "mom and pop" operation.  Most day to day operations are managed by the "son," Stefan.  "Pop" is Jack. More on him later.

We spent most of the day working, but Stefan and Jack took us to a local Japanese restaurant for lunch.  I had some things I'd never had before: Shark and sunfish cartilage.  It tastes as good as it sounds.  Also: pufferfish.  Not very tasty either.  We did have some excellent tuna sashimi along with shrimp fried rice, squid, deep fried little fishes, and tuna fin. 

We worked late.  We were all still full from lunch when dinner time rolled around. Jack said he'd pick up some popstickers and bring them in.  We had some white wine, some red wine (Stefan has a good collection of wine from all over the world) and enough potstickers and vegetables for a small feast.  We got back to the hotel about 11PM.

Sorry I haven't posted any pictures yet.  I haven't had the time.  Check back here again soon and I'll hopefully have some.

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