Monday, March 28, 2011

Taiwan Day 2

Taipei south to Changhua County

Still very overcast and grey today. Stefan and I visited 4 factories of various suppliers on the way to his company's factory today.  Everyone was very pleasant and helpful and I saw an overview of the suppliers.  Just getting to know all the suppliers in this new job.  See some pictures from the day here:

Tw Day 2

Had a (thankfully) lightish lunch of beef noodle soup; the national dish: "ni rou mien."

We ended up at Stefan's family factory.  Did some work, had some wine (Stefan and George are big wine guys) then went to a really good Thai restaurant near our hotel.  Still haven't had Taiwanese food (except for the noodle soup).  This area is very 'provincial.' and doesn't have the cosmopolitan feel of Taipei. 

Still haven't caught up on sleep so will try to get some more tonight.  I'll be at this location the rest of my stay.

More later.  Stay tuned....

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