Sunday, September 26, 2010

Books on China

I've recently read a few good books on China. The most recent is 'Dreaming in Chinese' by Deborah Fallows. It is the first-hand account of an American linguist trying to overcome the difficulties of learning Chinese while living in Shanghai and Beijing. It is a light read full of all kinds of insights into the words, writing, history, and culture of the Chinese language. I learned a lot from it. Here are a few others you might like to read if you are interested:

China Road, by Rob Gifford

Lost on Planet China, by J.M. Troost

What Does China Think?, Mark Leonard

The Man Who Loved China, by Simon Winchester

Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven, by Gilman

The experiences the author had upon his first trip to Beijing in 'Lost on Planet China' were very much like my own. It is a fun and irreverent book, if not a bit exaggerated.

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