Sunday, April 3, 2011

Taiwan: Days 5 and 6

Wrapping it up.  This picture is of one of our impromtu wine tastings after work at the factory.  Richard, the engineering manager, has his own cup. 

We mostly worked these last two days; finishing up some projects.  We found time for a few diversions.  We had an excellent Taiwan seafood lunch one day.  Jack took me on a tour of an area where they have all manner of plant nurseries; I don't think I'd ever seen so many in one place before.  We had lunch at the Japanese restaurant again on Friday, but with a much simpler menu: sashimi, fried rice, grilled sea bass and various vegetable dishes.  Also something I hadn't tried before: fresh tomatoes dusted with a mixture of sugar and cherry powder (not sure what that is). It was really good.

Friday was our last day at the factory.  We all loaded up Stefan's car and he took us to Taipei, about a 2-hour drive.  We stopped at a Hakka restaurant (one of the many cultures from the Chinese mainland) and had dinner before going to the airport for our 11PM flight.

We arrived at SF without problem, though the flight was kind of bumpy; 10.5 hours.  We arrived before we left: about 7PM Friday, SJ time. 

That's all for now.  Check back later and I'll post more on my next trip.